Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This Could be Heaven or This Could be Hell !

After working in a Middle Eastern country , lets call it “conservo”, for 3 years…which was a sweet taste of living in hell..I decided to go back to the states for a while and recharge my mind and soul!! I know a lot of people can relate to my story..people that decide to focus on their careers by giving up a couple of years of their lives to work and save up for the later years..aha..right..well that doesn’t really work. Don’t get me wrong I love the Middle East..some of the culture, people, religion and of course food. However, it comes with a price. ur freedom..especially if you are one of the weaker gender as they call it. Anyway, long story short.. I went back to the U.S ..and the first thing I did was drive to the nearest jack in the box and order two tacos and a cheese burger..hmmmmmmmmm orgasmic!!

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